View the 2021 Total Solar Eclipse


Salt Lake City, Utah – December 4, 2020

Path of Antarctic Eclipse

Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE), in collaboration with TravelQuest International (TQ), will be gathering a select group of guests to view the total solar eclipse on December 4, 2021, at the furthest possible point from their everyday lives: deep in the heart of Antarctica.

In the early morning of December 4, 2021, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, culminating in a total solar eclipse. ALE’s Union Glacier Camp lies in the path of totality, making it an ideal location to witness this rare event and one of the most exciting experiences that ALE has ever hosted. Surrounded by the icy expanse of Union Glacier and the rugged peaks of the Ellsworth Mountains, guests will experience 44 seconds of total darkness when we would normally have 24-hour daylight.

In Partnership with TravelQuest

As the premier provider of deep-field Antarctic experiences, ALE is thrilled to partner with the most qualified eclipse travel team in the business – TravelQuest. Together ALE and TQ have been working over the past 3 years to design an awe-inspiring experience for this celestial phenomenon. Experiencing totality in Antarctica will serve as the crown jewel for anyone seeking to stand in the Moon’s shadow on all seven continents.

ALE and TQ are the only tour operators offering this unique opportunity to view the eclipse in the interior of the Antarctic continent. Furthermore, the eclipse will travel East to West – an eclipse path only possible in the polar regions. A polar eclipse of this kind will not be repeated until December 15, 2039, making this a rare experience and not to be missed.

Trip Details

GIF of eclipse path

While the eclipse will be the main event, participants will also enjoy life on a glacier where the ice is almost 5,000 ft (1500 m) thick. Guests will have the chance to explore the polar landscapes this unique environment has to offer. ALE’s experienced guides will tailor daily excursions to suit personal goals. There will be opportunities to hike over waves of blue-ice, ski across frozen sastrugi, and tour the polar wilderness from the comfort of a heated vehicle.

ALE’s Union Glacier Camp, the only facility of its kind in Antarctica, will provide comfortable accommodation for eclipse-viewing guests. Guests will stay in double-walled tents, specially designed to withstand Antarctic conditions and naturally heated by the 24-hour sunlight. Talented chefs utilize a fully equipped kitchen to create delicious fresh-cooked meals using ingredients flown in from Chile.

Full trip details available here.


For press inquiries about Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions, contact:

[email protected]
T: +1 801-266-4876

About Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions –

ALE is the main company providing air and ground logistics for government research, private expeditions, and tours traveling to the interior of Antarctica. ALE operates scheduled inter-continental flights to Antarctica from Chile each year via commercially-chartered jet aircraft. These flights land on a DGAC-certified runway, which is a part of the Chilean Airports and Aerodromes System, and is located in the Ellsworth mountains. A US-authorized company, ALE is committed to the safety of its passengers, aircrew, staff, and the Antarctic environment. The company’s history stems back over 30 years.

ALE is a founding member of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators ( and fully subscribes to the principle of safe and environmentally responsible travel to the Antarctic.

TravelQuest logo

About TravelQuest International –

For well over two decades, TravelQuest has planned and operated specialized travel adventures for discerning journeyers from all corners of the globe. TravelQuest specialties are eclipse tours and astronomy-themed excursions; chiefly, opportunities to stand before the majesty of the aurora borealis, or in the Moon’s shadow during perhaps the rarest and awe-inspiring event one can possibly imagine – a total eclipse of the Sun. This communal experience engenders a profound sense of interconnectedness, oftentimes sparking lifelong friendships. TravelQuest is recognized as one of the world’s most successful astronomical tour companies.

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