All Antarctic flights are dependent on weather, runway conditions, and aircraft serviceability. Delays are a normal part of Antarctic travel. Roughly 64% of our passenger flights leave on the scheduled date or the night prior and 84% fly within 24 hours of the scheduled date. Based on these considerations, we have prepared the Advice When Purchasing Airline Tickets document below to give you further guidance on how to arrange your commercial flights to Chile.
Please review our list of selected hotels in Punta Arenas and a map showing their proximity to our office. If you select an accommodation that is not on our list, please ensure it is still within the black boundary box identified on Page 1 of the map. If you choose to stay outside of this area, or in an Airbnb, you may be required to organize your own transportation to a point within this serviceable area in order to drop-off your checked luggage and catch ALE’s airport shuttles for the Antarctic flights.
We strongly recommend making hotel reservations in advance for at least 3 pre and 2 post-trip hotel nights. While flight delays do occur, it is the busy season in Punta Arenas and hotels are often booked to capacity. Making post-trip reservations in advance is the only way to guarantee space in a specific hotel upon your return from Antarctica. In the event of a delay, you can give our team in Punta Arenas authorization to extend hotel reservations on your behalf. We cannot guarantee we’ll be able to keep you in the same hotel if they are at capacity but we will do our best to ensure you stay in the same or equivalent hotel.