Featured Projects

Antarctic Ice Marathon

Challenge yourself on a marathon of intense proportions and in one of the most remote regions of the world. The Antarctic Ice Marathon is the only marathon run on mainland Antarctica. This is the southernmost marathon on Earth, it takes place at ALE’s Union Glacier Camp, just a few hundred miles from the South Pole [...]

Campamento Glaciar Unión

ALE has a long-standing relationship with the Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH) and the Fuerzas Armadas de Chile (Chilean armed forces) who provide logistic support for the Chilean Antarctic program. We have provided intercontinental flights for cargo and personnel, airfield support for FACh C-130 and Twin Otter aircraft, and accommodation for Chilean personnel at Union Glacier [...]

Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW

ALE has long had an association with researchers from the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC), University of New South Wales, Australia. Support has included: intercontinental and feeder flights, base camp facilities, snowmobiles and fuel, and guide services.

Centro de Estudios Científicos

ALE has supported a variety of projects by the Centro de Estudios Científicos (Center for Scientific Studies, Valdivia, Chile), including involvement in the Lake Ellsworth Project, investigation of sub-glacial lake CECs, glacier flow rate and bedrock studies at Union Glacier, and several oversnow traverses. CECs have been invaluable in undertaking GPR surveys of the Patriot [...]

Brazilian Antarctic Program – Criosfera Traverse

Criosfera I module was commissioned in 2011 and is one of the few year-round atmospheric monitoring stations in the interior of Antarctica (84ºS/79.3ºW). In 2014 a second team undertook a 1200 km (746 mile) traverse from Criosfera I, past Mount Johns and onward to Union Glacier, supported by Arctic Trucks Ltd. This traverse expanded Brazilian [...]


ALE’s Union Glacier Camp is one of several hubs from which POLENET field teams deploy and service GPS and seismic stations across Antarctica. For several seasons, ALE has provided flight and landing support for Twin Otter and C-130 Hercules aircraft operating on skis, as well as meals, accommodation and a heated office tent with power [...]

Sub-glacial Lake Ellsworth Project

ALE took part in logistic planning for a project to explore Lake Ellsworth and was subsequently named as the primary logistics provider for this major scientific undertaking. ALE flew nearly 70 tonnes of equipment to our base camp at Union Glacier then transported it all to the drill site, some 295 km away, using our [...]

Boeing 757 Lands at Union Glacier

Union Glacier, Antarctica – November 26, 2015 The first ever landing of a commercial Boeing 757 passenger airliner on a blue-ice runway in Antarctica occurred on November 26, 2015, at Union Glacier. The landing was a joint partnership between Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE), Loftleidir Icelandic, and NAS Corporation Limited (NAS). The Boeing 757-200 ER flight [...]

Belgrano II Airdrop and Personnel Exchange

ALE has provided intercontinental and feeder flights for the annual rotation of personnel at Argentina’s Belgrano II station for several seasons. The station lies at the southern end of the Weddell Sea and is the most southerly station in this area. Ship access is hampered by extensive sea ice, in a region where Shackleton’s Endurance [...]

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