Each season Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions (ALE) is proud to support adventurers embarking on expeditions across Antarctica. These individuals have spent countless hours training, planning, and preparing for their journey. We admire their dedication and are honored to be their Antarctic partner. Join us in cheering on the following 2023 expeditions:
Pole to Pole

Route: Union Glacier – South Pole
- Christopher Alan Ramsey (UK)
- Michael Alexander Booth (Ireland)
- Yuk Yen (Julie) Ramsey (Ireland)
Husband and wife explorers, Chris & Julie Ramsey, will drive an all-electric Nissan Ariya as they attempt to travel more than 27,000km across three continents, from the Canadian Arctic to the South Pole. The Ramseys aim to push the capabilities of electric vehicles to their limits, to showcase and accelerate electric vehicle adoption and help tackle the Climate Crisis.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://poletopoleev.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/pluginadventures/
- https://twitter.com/PoletoPoleEV
- https://www.instagram.com/poletopoleev/
- https://www.youtube.com/@pluginadventure
- https://www.tiktok.com/@poletopoleev
Youngest To Pole Project
Route: Hercules Inlet – South Pole
Skier: Jacob “Val” Myers (US)
Val aims to complete a solo unsupported ski expedition from Hercules Inlet to South Pole. As a young man, the Appalachian-born expeditioner cut his teeth in the outdoor industry, working in the local forests of Western North Carolina. Val has completed the Crazy Mountain 100-mile race and has competed in the Yukon, in Canada’s north.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://www.valhallahikes.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/youngesttopoleproject/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ9NIz7SQeSJmCwrBULCI7w
Expedition Polheim 
Route: Hercules Inlet – South Pole
Skier: Pierre Hedan (France)
Pierre’s goal is to accomplish a solo unsupported ski expedition from Hercules Inlet to South Pole. Pierre’s previous feats include ascending Mont Blanc and Kilimanjaro, crossing Greenland, and winter treks in Lapland. The Expedition Polheim association was created in the summer of 2021 and was named after Amundsen’s tent, left at the South Pole in December 2011. After the expedition, the team has plans for educational workshops in schools, analysis of data collected in the field, and offering advice and support for new projects.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://www.polexpedition.fr/
- https://www.facebook.com/ExpeditionPolheim/
- https://www.instagram.com/expedition_polheim/
Antarctic Fire Angels
Route: Union Glacier – South Pole
- Georgina (George) Gilbert (UK)
- Rebecca (Bex) Rowe (UK)
Two female firefighters from South Wales Fire and Rescue Services (SWFRS) and Mid & West Wales Fire Service (MAWWFS) plan to ski unsupported to the South Pole to inspire women and girls around the world. The Antarctic Fire Angels believe that everyone should be given every opportunity in life to achieve their ambitions. The Emergency Services team intends to challenge gender stereotypes with their expedition and show what woman are capable of. Additional funds raised for the expedition will be donated to The Fire Fighters Charity, an organization that provides confidential, personalized support to the entire fire services community.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://antarcticfireangels.co.uk/
- https://www.facebook.com/AntarcticFireAngels/
- https://twitter.com/antarctic_fire
- https://www.instagram.com/antarcticfireangels
Antarctica Unlimited
Route: Hercules Inlet – South Pole – 88 South
Biker: Omar Di Felice (Italy)
Omar returns to Antarctica to tackle a fat-bike cycle expedition from Hercules Inlet via the South Pole to 88 South on the USAP SPoT route. He will then turn around and cycle back to the South Pole Station. Omar wants his expedition to raise awareness concerning the environment and hopes to instigate lasting change for the better.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://www.instagram.com/omardifelice/
- https://www.ultracyclingman.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/omar.difelice/
- https://www.youtube.com/omar2k81
Frozen Dagger
Route: North Berkner Island – South Pole – Base of Reedy Glacier
Skier: David Williams Samuel ‘Sam’ Cox (UK)
Sam has undertaken the challenge of a solo, unsupported ski crossing of Antarctica, from Berkner Island via the South Pole to the base of Reedy Glacier. Sam was raised in South Devon and throughout his school years developed a taste for outdoor living. He plans on using his experiences from the Royal Marines to help face the challenges of his upcoming expedition.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://www.frozendagger.co.uk/
- https://www.instagram.com/samcox.official
Mission Spiritus
Route: Hercules Inlet – South Pole
- Alan (Al) Chambers (UK)
- David (Dave) Thomas (UK)
Al and Dave have set their sights on a two-man unsupported ski expedition from Hercules Inlet to South Pole. The team previously skied together across Iceland and now join forces to traverse Antarctica. Their expedition aims to raise funds and awareness for the Royal Marines Charity, that offers support to the Royal Marines family.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
Expedition Bernier
Route: Berkner Island – South Pole
Skier: Patrick Bernier (Canada)
Patrick will undertake a solo, unsupported ski expedition from the north end of Berkner Island to the South Pole. He describes the expedition as, “An adventure of 1368 kilometers on skis just for fun! I’m not aiming any records! Just a childhood dream come true!”
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
- https://www.patrickbernier.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/protek2013
- https://www.instagram.com/patbernier_/?hl=fr
Expedition Baxter
Route: Hercules Inlet – South Pole
Skier: James Baxter (UK)
James’ goal is to finish a solo expedition from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole. His fascination with South Pole expeditions began back in 2018 in Finse, Norway, when he had the chance to meet prominent polar explorers, including Borge Ousland. Since then he has practiced winter camping, skiing, and has meticulously prepared for his expedition.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
Expedition Nordstrom
Route: Messner Start – South Pole
Skier: Per Nordstrom (Sweden)
Per has set his sights on a solo supported ski expedition from the Messner start with two resupplies.
Ski South Pole – Messner Start
Route: Messner Start – South Pole
Skier: Lucie Porizova Vyborna (Czech Republic)
Lucie plans to tackle an expedition from the Messner Start to South Pole, guided by Christian Styve.
Learn More & Follow the Expedition:
There are other expeditions that have not announced their plans yet and we will respect their confidentiality until their plans are announced or confirmed.
*ALE defines unsupported expeditions as those that start the expedition with all the equipment and supplies for the whole journey. They have no pre-placed depots, no resupplies, no support vehicles, and receive no outside help.
**For the official language on Polar Adventures, we invite you to visit https://pec-s.com/.