In the Spotlight - Claudio Barrientos

Name: Claudio Barrientos
Role: Punta Arenas Operations Manager
1st Season: 2008
Nationality: Chile

What first brought you to work for ALE?

This was back in 2008. I needed a change in my career, and this unique company experience was perfect at that moment.

What aspect of your job do you find challenging or love most? 

I really like how dynamic the job is; the logistics are always challenging in all aspects.

What is one thing you wish everyone knew about Antarctica? 

How wonderful it is and that there are no words or descriptions that do it justice; you have to go there to really understand.

What are three words that best describe ALE? 

Family, teamwork, addictive.

What are some of your hobbies/interests outside of work?

Sports, handball specifically (nice group of friends from life), and music, playing instruments with my friends is priceless.

What do you like to do for fun in Punta Arenas? 

The list is really long, from meeting friends through outdoor activities.


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