Ice Core Research and Climate Change Models

Professors Chris Fogwill and Chris Turney are in the news again, with a new study that highlights the crucial role that Antarctic sea ice plays in controlling global CO² levels. ARC Linkage Research Project ALE has a long association with the duo, providing logistic and financial support for fieldwork focused on changes in ice sheet [...]


Airbnb announced they are funding a research sabbatical in the heart of Antarctica. Led by Antarctic scientist and passionate biogeochemist Kirstie Jones–Williams, five people will join an expedition to explore the impact of humans on Earth’s remotest regions. These five participants will be carefully chosen by Airbnb’s expert team and trained in Chile for an [...]

Belgrano Station Re-supply Completed

A final airdrop was made over Belgrano II station in Antarctica on February 15, successfully completing the annual re-supply. Nine flights were made over a two week period, delivering roughly 166 tonnes of cargo.

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