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ALE closes a successful Anniversary season

Posted  02/6/12 in General Interest

The final ALE Ilyushin flight of the 2011-12 Anniversary season departed from Union Glacier ice runway On January 31. Last to leave were a small team of staff, who had worked hard over previous weeks to dismantle camp and store everything securely for the upcoming winter. The Antarctic summer is short and intense. It seems [...]

FT's Man at South Pole

Posted  01/28/12 in General Interest, Trip Report

Matthew Engel celebrates cricket and cherries at the South Pole, in his Financial Times’ review of his South Pole Flights experience. Matthew traveled as a guest of ALE for the celebrations held at the Geographic South Pole on January 17, exacly 100 years after Robert Falcon Scott and his team reached this spot. As [...]

The Heritage of Discovery

Posted  01/25/12 in Climb Antarctica, Trip Report

One mountaineer, two guides, three weeks, ten first ascents. Exploratory alpinism at its finest. In December 2011, when the rest of Antarctica was celebrating the centenary of the first journey to the South Pole, Ralf Laier made his own contribution to the history of Antarctic exploration. Over a period of three weeks, he and ALE [...]

Quarrying the Antarctic for Climate

In 1773, Captain Cook described the great southern continent Terra Australis Incognita as ‘A country doomed by nature never once to feel the warmth of the sun’s rays but to lie forever buried under everlasting snow and ice.’  With these words Professor Chris Turney, from University of New South Wales, introduces his research into climate [...]

Approaching the Scott Centenary

Posted  01/4/12 in Expeditions, General Interest

It has been 100 years since Robert Falcon Scott and his team arrived at the South Pole. But words from Scott’s journal echo across time, capturing the landscape, the physical and mental hardships of polar expeditions, and above all, the dreams that inspire polar explorers.

Amundsen Centenary Wrap-up

Posted  12/27/11 in South Pole Overnight, Trip Report

Roald Amundsen’s great achievement of reaching the Geographic South Pole 100 years ago was celebrated in style this season. The Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, came to honor Amundsen’s expedition and unveiled a specially commissioned ice bust of the great man during a moving ceremony. Prime Minister Stoltenberg also met a number of Norwegian expeditions [...]

Criosfera I - A Landmark Achievement

Criosfera 1, the first Brazilian standalone module for atmospheric data collection, has arrived at its destination on the West Antarctic ice sheet.   “It is a pioneering achievement of Brazil’s institutions and a landmark for the Brazilian Antarctic Program. When we return from the expedition, automatic equipment of weather monitoring, measurement of carbon dioxide, also [...]

2011 South Pole Expedition Updates

Posted  12/22/11 in Expeditions, General Interest

Our thoughts may be turning to holidays and the New Year, but for expeditions in Antarctica, it’s another day of snow, wind and marching toward the Pole. Some teams have completed their treks, while others continue skiing south. Arrived at South Pole Sorpolen 1911-2011 completed the second-ever overland expedition from the Bay of Whales to [...]

The Mountain is now Open

Posted  11/10/11 in General Interest, Mount Vinson

Vinson Base Camp is officially “Open” and the first guests have arrived. ALE staff flew into the base camp recently to prepare for the arrival of the first climbers of the season. The camp, located at 7020 ft (2140 m) on the Branscomb Glacier, has been unoccupied since the end of last January when everything [...]

And they're off...

Posted  11/2/11 in Expeditions, General Interest

Delays are to be expected – as any Antarctic explorer will tell you. Amundsen attempted to set off for the Pole on September 8, 1911 and was beaten back to Framheim by -58F (-50C) temperatures. He waited for 6 weeks before finally departing on October 19. The 2011 South Pole expeditions are now on their [...]

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