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Lake Ellsworth Project called off

In the early hours of Christmas Day (Tuesday 25 December 2012) Professor Martin Siegert, Principal Investigator of the Subglacial Lake Ellsworth experiment, confirmed that the mission to drill into the lake has been called off for this Antarctic season. Drilling had been proceeding well, but was stopped when the team was unable to link the [...]

World's First South Pole Bicycle Traverse

Posted  12/21/12 in Expeditions, General Interest

Polar Explorer Eric Larsen believes, “…modern expeditions are less about geographic firsts and more about story telling.” And boy does he have a story to tell. He plans to complete a world’s-first bicycle journey across the Antarctic continent, covering nearly 750 miles, from Hercules Inlet on the coast of Antarctica to the Geographic South Pole. [...]

Amundsen's Legacy

ALE guests who flew to the South Pole on December 14, 2012 were greeted by a simple and fitting tribute to Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, the first person to achieve the Pole. There were no crowds, no speeches, no great celebrations. A single Norwegian flag fluttered next to the pole marker, testament to the achievement [...]

Ilyushin Crew Celebrate 100th blue-ice landing

Posted  12/6/12 in General Interest

Congratulations to Captain Neverov and his Ilyushin 76 crew on their 100th blue-ice landing!

Lake Ellsworth LIVE

The ALE mechanical team has completed their first big project of the season, a 280 km tractor-train traverse to the Lake Ellsworth drilling site. The tractor-train loaded with equipment arrived at Lake Ellsworth on Saturday November 24, after a difficult journey through soft snow from Union Glacier Camp. ALE Team Preps Drill Site The mech [...]

Results of 2012 Antarctic Ice Marathon

Posted  11/27/12 in General Interest, Trip Report

The results are in for the 2012 Antarctic Ice Marathon! The Men’s Race Dr Andrew Murray (GBR) won the men’s marathon in a new course record of 3:41.15 hrs. The 32 year old GP, who has run more than 50 marathons, said this was ‘one of his best’. Murray went on to run a 50km [...]

Marathon Flame Travels to Union Glacier

Posted  11/20/12 in General Interest

ALE is excited to announce that the iconic ‘Marathon Flame’ has arrived in Antarctica for the 8th Antarctic Ice Marathon on 21 November 2012 at Union Glacier. Greek-Cypriot marathon runner and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Mr Nasos Ktorides, carried the Flame on its first visit to Antarctica. Richard Donovan, organizer of the Antarctic Ice Marathon, says [...]

The Flight that changed Antarctic Aviation

Posted  11/11/12 in Air Transport, General Interest

In 1987, Adventure Network International (ANI) made history by landing a privately operated wheeled aircraft in Antarctica. On November 22, 1987, Captain Jim Smith landed a Douglas DC-4 on a blue-ice airfield at Patriot Hills in the Ellsworth Mountains. This ground-breaking achievement changed the face of aviation in Antarctica, and paved the way for direct flights [...]

The Ilyushin Has Landed

ALE’s First Flight of the Season ALE’s first Ilyushin flight of the 2012 season landed safely at Union Glacier on Oct 30. Weather conditions were ideal for the landing and the Ilyushin crew reported that the runway was in excellent condition. The flight carried core ALE staff and one expedition, Aaron Lindsau. Lindsau hopes to [...]

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