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Updates From The Field

Get To Know Mount Vinson

Posted  01/31/25 in Mount Vinson, Updates From The Field

Mount Vinson is Antarctica’s highest peak, and one of the Seven Summits. With a prominence of 16,050ft (4,892m) and residing in one of the world’s most formidable cold deserts, this peak was first summited in 1966, making it the last of the Seven Summits to be reached.  Today, over 3,500 people have successfully summitted Mount [...]

2021 Expedition Round-up

The 2021 Antarctic season was one of the most challenging in ALE’s history, with an ongoing pandemic, disparate and changing travel regulations, and incredibly challenging Antarctic weather conditions. Despite this, an intrepid group of Antarctic expeditions set their sights on the South Pole and beyond. Here is a round-up of the 2021 season expeditions. The [...]

Reducing Exposure To Hazards

Our Travel Safety Team are always busy with behind the scenes work in Antarctica. Travel Safety manager Simon Abrahams and Mechanic Nigel Blenkharn recently travelled 1300km to deliver our Toyota Hilux to our South Pole Camp, where it will be used for logistical support. What’s the large object projecting from the front of the truck? [...]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE International Scientists Study West Antarctic Ice Sheet to Determine Effects of Ocean Warming and Future Outcomes 12 February 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah – Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) played an integral part in supporting research, led by UNSW Sydney, into mass melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Last [...]

Return From the Antarctic Sabbatical

Posted  01/29/20 in Trips, Updates From The Field

SHARING CITIZEN SCIENCE FIRST HAND When individuals experience Antarctica for the first time it’s not uncommon for them to describe it as another planet, and in many ways they’re not far off. A mostly inhospitable place to humans – Antarctica is the only continent without an indigenous human population. But its sub-zero temperatures and remote [...]

2019 Expedition Updates. Who Reached the Pole

It’s another day in Antarctica: wide landscapes, extreme temperatures and ever changing weather on the home front. Nearing the end of the 2019 Antarctic season, we take a look back at the accomplishments of solo expeditions, world record seekers, and inspired group travelers who crossed the white desert by human powered determination, all culminating at [...]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chilean civil aviation authorizes flights to recommence. 20 December 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah — Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) have been authorized to recommence their flights to Union Glacier, Antarctica. ALE had to delay two flights while we worked with the Chilean General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) to address their concerns [...]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The ALE team is working hard to meet Chilean civil aviation regulatory requirements. 20 December 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah — Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) has been working closely with the Chilean General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) to resolve the regulatory compliance issues they have identified. The issue relates to [...]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The ALE team is closely monitoring recent regulatory updates to civil aviation operations in Chile.  19 December 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah — Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) have been advised of a temporary delay to their intercontinental flight operations due to a documentation review by Chile’s General Directorate of Civil Aviation [...]

Non-native Species: A Threat to Antarctica

The introduction of non-native species is a priority conservation concern among Antarctic Treaty countries, and one we share at ALE. Non-native species are one of several major threats to biodiversity – globally and in the Antarctic. They have already profoundly transformed the biodiversity of many sub-Antarctic islands and are increasing on the Antarctic continent itself. [...]

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