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Updates From The Field

ALE Partner Nick Lewis Co-Authors Paper with Simon Abrahams & NASA Scientists on Permafrost at Elephant Head

Posted  08/7/19 in Science, Updates From The Field

A recent collaboration brought together the NASA Ames Research Center and Christopher P McKay, Edward Balaban, Simon Abraham and ALE partner Nick Lewis that produced a paper on Antarctica's permafrost. This permafrost is found on Mars and in the Ellsworth Mountains, close to ALE's action packed adventures. That's worth knowing about.

ALE's 2nd Summit of Mount Tyree

On January 14, 2019, Takayasu Semba, along with ALE guides Sam Hennessey, Nate Opp, Victor Saunders, and Seth Timpano, stood on the summit of Mount Tyree; Antarctica’s second highest peak standing at 15,919 ft (4852m). This was the 7th overall ascent and only the 2nd time that Mount Tyree has been guided. Stable weather out [...]

2017 Expeditions Review

The 2017 Antarctic summer saw an impressive array of expeditions aiming to travel farther, travel faster, or travel more creatively. Some teams saw success while others were met with challenges, poor weather, and time constraints. As Leo Houlding wrote this season “Nothing is easy out here!”. Despite the difficulty of the journey, all of the [...]

Expedition Successes, Surprises & Routines

Posted  01/8/14 in Expeditions, Updates From The Field

Antarctic expeditions seldom play out as expected and this season is no exception. Catch up on the experiences, achievements, and lessons learned from our 2013 expedition teams. Richard Parks Richard Parks set a new British record and recorded the second fastest time in history for a solo, unsupported and unassisted journey to the South Pole. [...]

The Ilyushin Has Landed

ALE’s First Flight of the Season ALE’s first Ilyushin flight of the 2012 season landed safely at Union Glacier on Oct 30. Weather conditions were ideal for the landing and the Ilyushin crew reported that the runway was in excellent condition. The flight carried core ALE staff and one expedition, Aaron Lindsau. Lindsau hopes to [...]

Advance team arrive in Antarctica

ALE’s advance team have arrived at Union Glacier, Antarctica. The ski aircraft arrived safely last night with our team on board, after a two-stage flight from Punta Arenas. They report that the camp caches have over-wintered well and look in good shape. The blue-ice runway has little snow coverage and the snow surface around camp [...]

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