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In the Spotlight - Claudio Barrientos

Posted  08/9/24 in General Interest, Punta Arenas

Claudio Barrientos, a Chilean native and Operations Manager in Punta Arenas, has been a vital part of ALE since 2008. He thrives on the dynamic challenges of Antarctic logistics and believes the true beauty of Antarctica can only be appreciated in person.


Posted  07/10/24 in General Interest, Press Release, Trips

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Skiers are invited to participate in ALE’s inaugural cross-country ski celebration at Union Glacier, Antarctica. 10 July 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah – Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) today announced a new experience, the Antarctic Loppet. ALE proposes to offer this unique cross-country ski experience during the upcoming 2024 Antarctic season, with [...]

In the Spotlight - Miri Gubler

Posted  03/25/24 in General Interest

Miri is the newest member to join the SLC team as a Travel Specialist. Miri is a Utah native with a passion for outdoor adventure. She earned her Sustainable Tourism degree from the University of Utah and spent five years as a river guide on the Snake River in Wyoming.

5 Tips When Planning Your Antarctica Emperor Penguin Tour

Posted  12/27/23 in General Interest

Emperor penguins are one of Antarctica’s unique beauties. As the world’s largest living penguin species, emperors are aptly named and their size, striking coloring, and remarkable life history make them a must-see for enthusiastic birders and adventurer travelers alike. Due to the emperor penguins’ nomadic tendencies, remote locations of breeding grounds, and Antarctica’s unforgiving weather, [...]

2023 Mid-Season Highlights

Posted  12/23/23 in General Interest

As the Antarctic season unfolds, we are thrilled to share that Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions (ALE) has had an incredible journey so far! Each moment so far has been a testament to the extraordinary experiences that await our adventurous guests and ALE staff. We’re excited to give you a glimpse into the magic that has [...]

In Memory of Alejo Contreras

Posted  11/14/23 in General Interest

Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) is deeply saddened at the passing of Alejo Contreras, a prominent Antarctic expeditioner who was integral to the establishment and early operations of Adventure Network International (ANI), which later became ALE. Alejo dreamed of going to Antarctica since he was a child, a story he tells in his TedTalk regarding [...]

Travel to the South Pole

The bottom of the world, the globe’s most southern point… since the discovery of the Earth’s axis the South Pole has held a fascination for explorers and adventurers from all corners of the world. How does one get to the South Pole? Is it possible to travel there? Once you do make it, what is [...]

Skydiving for a Greater Cause

Posted  08/10/23 in General Interest

What makes people jump out of an aircraft, and what makes them want to break a world record while doing it? We talked to Nick Kush, one of the brains behind the Triple 7 , an expedition planned to break world records by skydiving on seven continents in seven days. It’s a sunny day in [...]

In the Spotlight - Hillary Westover

Posted  06/21/23 in General Interest

Name: Hillary Westover Role: Marketing and Content Specialist 1st Season: 2023 Nationality: USA What first brought you to ALE? I was initially attracted to ALE due to its solid reputation and the promising opportunities it presented. The company seemed like a great match for my skills and aspirations, so I decided to join the team. [...]

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