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Press Release

Ellsworth Mountains Maps

“Antarctica is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind bogglingly big it is.” * And knowing exactly where you are is important for explorers and expeditions. So what do they rely on? Well, maps, of course but because Antarctica is so huge, very little of it has been mapped. Existing Topographic Maps Whole [...]

ALE’s Experiences of Inland Traverses

Posted  07/29/11 in Overland Transport, Press Release

ALE presented a Poster Paper and attended a workshop on Inland Traverses in Antarctica, hosted by the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) in Stockholm on July 31, 2011. Antarctic traverses are undertaken by many nations and there is a growing interest by other countries who wish to develop their capability in this area. [...]

ALE welcomes Stephanie Taylor

Posted  06/13/11 in Press Release

Stephanie Taylor has worked in the travel industry for 15 years – and has loved every minute of it. Stephanie joins our Salt Lake City office as Client Services Manager, where her main focus will be working with guests and travel agents. Stephanie graduated with a degree in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality and has extensive [...]

ALE named primary logistics provider

Posted  05/1/11 in Press Release, Science

ALE has been named as the primary logistics provider for a major scientific undertaking in West Antarctica. The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office recently published a Draft Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation of the proposed exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth. This project has two main aims: to determine the presence of life in an Antarctic subglacial lake; and [...]

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